Newsletter 56 - May 27th 2022
Prayer of the Week:
Let us pray...
Loving God,
Open our hearts,
So that we may feel the breath and play of your spirit.
Unclench our hands
So that we may reach out to one another,
And touch and be healed.
Open our lips
That we may drink in the delight and wonder of life.
Unclog our ears
To hear your agony in our inhumanity.
Open our eyes,
So that we may see Christ in friend and stranger.
Breathe your Spirit into us,
And touch our lives with the life of Christ, Amen
Principal's Report:
Master Planning
This week the school had a visit from Russell Hawkes from the architecture firm Morton Dunn to continue our discussions around the school’s Master Plan. Russell meet with staff and members of the School Advisory Council where he shared options for future building works and received feedback. Russell based his initial plans on a site assessment last year and the results of the survey of students, staff, and families.
Russell’s firm Morton Dunn designed the last major redevelopment of the school with the new middle/senior classroom space and the front office refurbishment. He has a good understanding of the school buildings and the context of the school.
It is really exciting to look at ways in which we could further improve our school. As plans become more developed I will share them with the school community. If you have any ideas for building or landscaping works please contact me - the more ideas, the better outcome!
Assessment and Reporting
Later this term all students will receive their Semester One Assessment Reports. This document should provide parents and carers with information on their child/s’ progress, achievement, and future areas of development. Semester reports are an important aspect of progress monitoring but should form just part of our communication with parents and carers.
As a school, we have decided that this Semester’s report will focus on the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, and Personal and Social Capabilities. Reporting on our specialist subject areas of Chinese, Visual Arts, and Physical Education will be included in our Semester Two Reports.
Student Reports will be sent home in hard copy format and made available electronically via PAM on Wednesday, June 22nd. Due to the fact that this term is only nine weeks long, Parent/Teachers Interviews will be held in early Term Three.
School Closure Day
A reminder that Friday, June 10th, is a school closure day. On this day staff will be undertaking a professional development session with Jim Waight from Catholic Education Ballarat. Based on parent feedback last year the school is trying to plan all closure days around weekends and where possible long weekends. I understand that this causes an inconvenience for some but this needs to be balanced with the requirement for staff training and development.
With Faith in our Future
Chris McAloon
A Word from the Office:
Kind regards,
Anna Wadge, Business Manager
* Thankyou to all the families that have dropped off a box or two.
Can any other families please provide 1 box of tissues to their childs class, as the ongoing flu season is exceeding our supply. Thankyou for your assistance.
Teaching and Learning:
It is fantastic to once again have our Friday school assemblies happening. Our assemblies happen each Friday afternoon starting at 2:50pm in the school hall. Students are dismissed from the hall on this day. We invite all our community to come along.
Why have a school assembly?
The intention behind implementing a regular whole school assembly is to develop a feeling of unity and a positive school culture among the students, staff and our St Patrick’s community. Simply put, gathering together strengthens the way our school works. Whether singing a song together, watching a performance by fellow students, sharing class learning or sharing events that have been happening in our community, our goal is to create camaraderie, ignite school spirit and help instill students and families with a sense of belonging. School assembly provides students with the opportunity to develop their confidence by speaking and sharing their learning and thoughts.
Each learning community will take a turn throughout the term to host an assembly and showcase their class learning. Coming together to celebrate success, showcase learning, or strengthen our commitment to shared goals is time invested in making St Patrick’s a special place to be.
Assembly roster for term 2:
Week 5 Senior F - This week assembly will be hosted by Miss Flemming's class
Week 6 Middle B 3/4
Week 7 No Assembly
Week 8 Senior M 5/6
Week 9 Foundation
Professional Development:
At St Patrick’s Primary School we are committed to Professional Development of our team. At various times staff members will be working off site which may result in classroom teachers being out of the classroom.
Week 6
Monday 30th May - Learning Diversity Leaders PD Miss Kerrie Ryan
Maryanne Comitti Teaching & Learning Leader
Senior 5/6 F News:
It has been a busy few weeks of learning in Senior F. Our Grade Five students have completed NAPLAN and did a fantastic job with very positive mindsets. During week three we had our first day of the year with all students in the classroom at the same time, we were very excited and loved having a full classroom. The students have been focusing on producing work they are proud of and some students have decided to share the learning below.
In religion, we have been learning about gratitude. Gratitude is something you are grateful for. I am grateful for my friends and my class. We made posters of what we think gratitude looks like, sounds, and feels like - Maya and Akuol
In science we are learning about viscosity, viscosity is where liquids are really runny. For example, water has heaps of viscosity whereas honey has low viscosity because it runs out of the tub onto the spoon or out the bottle very slowly. - Bonnie
This term we have been playing netball and soccer for sport. For soccer, we have been learning about dribbling, passing, and throw-ins. The soccer practice we have been doing improves our control over the ball. For netball the drills we have been doing are passes and some of the passes we have been doing are bounce pass, chest pass, overhead pass, shoulder pass and a lob pass. - Ethan and Aiden.
In grade six maths we have been learning about division algorithms, one of my favourites. We remember division algorithms by the Do Mothers Sell Biscuits,
- Divide
- Multiply
- Subtract
- Bring down
Division algorithm look like it would be so hard to learn by the look of it, but when you actually get the hang of it, it’s so easy! - Eedie.
In grade 5 maths we have been learning about division. It was hard at first and now it is a little bit easier because we have learnt a new strategy. The strategy we have learnt is breaking the number up into different sections so that it is easier to divide. - Catherine
Laura: In grade ⅚ writing we have been doing narratives, we are also learning about the point of view. In writing we have been putting first person, second person, and third person into our narrative. – Laura
* Family photo forms are available from the front office.
Why wear a school uniform?
The reason for our school uniform is to ensure that our children are identified as students who belong to the community of St. Patrick’s Primary School. Uniforms give students a sense of belonging and enhance pride in their school. Wearing a uniform shows unity and identity. In much the same way football followers will wear their team’s jumper or scarf, a uniform builds a sense of community. When some students continually ignore aspects of the uniform policy, this causes disharmony for other students and families. We encourage families to be supportive in your role so that the school uniform is respected and adhered to and that there is a strong level of equality and fairness in the management of the uniform protocol. Please ensure full school uniform is worn on school photo day.
Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT)
All grades will be taking part in their PAT reading and maths tests next week. Progressive Achievement Tests, commonly known as PATs, are one of the main sets of tests schools use. PATs are multiple-choice tests designed to help teachers determine achievement levels of students in Mathematics and Reading Comprehension. Next week our Year 1-6 students complete PAT Reading, Maths,these tests are completed online using Chromebooks and iPads. Foundation will complete a paper test. Data gathered will inform teachers of students’ current strengths and areas for improvement which can be used for planning teaching and learning, and monitoring progress over time with PAT testing also conducted again in October
Cold write
All year levels will also participate in a “Cold Write”next week. Students are presented with a stimulus picture or a topic to write a narrative or a persuasive text. This will differ depending on year levels. Next week teachers will all join together to analyse the writing using “I can statements” aligned to the Victorian Curriculum standards. This will assist teachers in identifying achievements and areas for future learning.
Teachers have begun the process of assessing and preparing student reports. Reports provide us with the progress students have made to date and give us information on how to best support them going forward. Reports will be sent home in Week 9 and will provide parents/carers with valuable information on their child’s progress during Semester 1. Due to Term 2 being a short term with only nine weeks we will be providing an opportunity for Parents/carers to meet with classroom teachers for Parent Teacher Interviews early in Term 3, a date to be determined. At St Patrick’s is committed to working in partnership with our parents/carers and we know when we work together we achieve the best outcomes for our children.
Living in Faith:
“Share the Good News!”
“Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.” – Mark 16:15
How might we understand the “Good News’ from the perspective of Mark’s gospel? Mark’s gospel is written with a sense of urgency about it with his message demanding the same. Midway through this gospel Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29). ‘Who is Jesus and how might I be invited follow him?’ are the conjoined questions still asked of the church and invited to reflect on within our communities now. Mark’s gospel address Jesus’ identity and how to follow him – through the call of discipleship. In the beginning, Mark announces Jesus’ very identity with the titles Christ and the Son of God (Oddly, it is the Roman officer at the foot of the cross who recognises this first). The disciples as depicted in Mark’s gospel are full of enthusiasm to follow Jesus but have so many misunderstandings and failures in doing so. This was reflected in Marks’ community as it is in ours as we are human and repeat the same. The resurrection of Jesus as announced through Mark is the offering of Jesus’ forgiveness and the hope of following his way again in the remembering of “Who do you say I am?”
Our communities are beautiful places that can and do enrich the mystery of Christ’s identity and enable his way to be continually raised up in and by community. “Go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation,” is an urgent invitation to our community to comprehend the meaning of Jesus’ life to grasp what this looks like in following and enacting God’s dream for the world. We pray that our communities inspire from within to be people of peace, hope and love in these times of displacement, anxiety and concern for Earth as our common home: to realise each unique community’s intimate connection in proclaiming who Jesus is and what it means to follow in the light of the gospel for these times. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate and enhance the reality of this identity, to dialogue with the Catholic faith tradition and the world in which we live to interpret and proclaim the good news.
Parish Bulletin:
Students of the Week:
Olivia Rodriguez - For the wonderful transition you're making into St Patrick's Primary School, we love having you a part of our school.
Saviero Di Pietro - For the wonderful mindset you're displaying when attempting to work on tasks independently! Keep up the great work Saviero.
Maya Parry - For correctly writing related subtraction facts to match a picture. You are a Maths superstar!
Curtis Calantog - For the great way you are using your phoneme fist to read and write words. Keep up the amazing work!
Akech Kur - for being such a helpful and co-operative member of our class. Well done Akech!
Kayde Werry - for the wonderful work you are doing with your narrative writing. What a great imagination you have Kayde!
Ally Smith - For the great paragraph writing you have been doing in your explorer information report.
Bill Lasslett - For your great efforts with learning our plural spelling rules. Well done
Awuomlual Kur - For demonstrating the school value of: Be a Learner in Mathematics lessons. You have shown an excellent understanding of subtraction and addition algorithms. Great work!
Charles Carter - For extending yourself in Maths lessons with your work on addition and subtraction algorithms. Great work for demonstrating the school value of: Being a Learner. Keep it up!
Liam Nicholson - For the fabulous work you have been doing across all learning areas, especially the success you have been having in reading. Keep up the superb work.
Eedie Hanns - For the positive mindset you have had and for the excellent work you have been doing with division algorithms.
Jobe Allen - For the independence you showed in writing this week completing your narrative piece titled 'Victory'.
Milla Mitchell - For your willingness to take on board feedback in order to take your writing to the next level.
Congratulations to these students having a birthday this week:
Jack Driscoll
Marianne Duxson
Maya Parry
Around Our Community:
Marian College Year 7 2023 – Enrolment Interviews
Please note that the College will be conducting Enrolment Interviews for students and their families for Year 7, 2023 on Wednesday 8th June, 2022 3.30pm – 6pm. To secure an Enrolment Interview time, applications must be returned to Marian College before this date.
To obtain an Enrolment Pack please contact Meagan Bowen
on 5352 3861 or email
Please follow us on instagram @stpatsstawell
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 2nd June - Junior R and H excursion to Historical Society
Friday 3rd June - Senior 5/6 Winter Sports Day - note change of date
Tuesday 7th June - Wellbeing Day
Friday 10th June - School Closure Day for students - RE PD for staff
Monday 13th June - School closure Day for staff and students - Queens Birthday public holiday
Tuesday 21st June - Discovery Day at the SSC
Wednesday 22nd June - School Photos 😁
- Reports to go home
Friday 24th June - Last day of term 2 early dismissal - 2:15pm
Monday 11th July - First day Term 3
Acknowledgement of Country:
We acknowledge the Djab Wurrung and Jardwadjali people as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. We thank them for sharing their cultures, spiritualities and ways of living with the land in this place we all now call home.