Newsletter 161- February 6th 2025
Prayer of the Week:
Lord, open our eyes that we may see the deepest needs of your people.
Move our hands so that we may feed the hungry.
Touch our hearts that they may bring warmth to those who are sad.
Let us share our time and possessions with those in need.
Give us the care that strengthens the sick.
May we all be a source of support and encouragement for each other as we strive to build a more loving society.
Principal's Report:

Dear St Patrick’s community,
The new school year at St Patrick’s is off to a wonderful start! It’s been great to see students settling in, reconnecting with friends, and embracing new learning opportunities with enthusiasm. Our staff have created warm, welcoming classrooms, and there’s a fantastic energy across the school.
With exciting programs, upcoming events, and a strong sense of community, 2025 is shaping up to be a great year! Thank you to our families for your support—we look forward to a year of growth, learning, and shared success.
Towards the end of last term the AGM for the Parents and Friends Group was held. While the P&F plays a role in fundraising for the school, its primary objective is to foster a sense of community within the school. We value your participation and encourage you to reach out to any members of the P&F group if you are interested in contributing in any capacity. Together, we can make a positive impact on our school community. The P&F handed over just over $6000 to the school from the 2024 events.
The first event for this year, the swimming carnival, is coming up in a couple of weeks with a BBQ lunch to be set-up, cooked and then packed down.
A big thank you to our community members who have put up their hands for 2025 and we welcome any other parents who wish to be involved.
2025 P&F Executive:
Kate Field (President), Emma Burke (Secretary), Libby O’Callaghan (Treasurer)
General Committee members- Marita Rowe, Erin Freeland, Melissa Sutherland, Hannah Molan.
Kind blessings,
My name is Lauren Broadbent, and I am excited to be stepping into the role of Wellbeing Leader while Lillie is on maternity leave. I look forward to working alongside you and supporting our wonderful students throughout this year.
As we focus on wellbeing this term, one important way we can support our students is by fostering meaningful conversations with them about their day. Instead of asking the usual "How was school?", try asking more specific, open-ended questions that invite reflection and conversation. For example, “What was the most interesting thing you learned today?” or “Did you work on something new with your friends today?” These types of questions can encourage children to think deeply about their experiences and share more than just surface-level answers.
We can also create opportunities for them to talk about challenges they faced, such as “What was something difficult for you today, and how did you handle it?” By normalising the sharing of struggles, we can help children build resilience and problem-solving skills.
We also want to remind families to praise effort, not just achievement. By focusing on how hard they worked, not just what they accomplished, we support a growth mindset, which helps children feel more confident and willing to take on new challenges.
As always, our school’s Catholic values guide us in promoting kindness, empathy, and support for each other. We are committed to nurturing our students' emotional wellbeing while guiding them to live out these values in everything they do.
Let’s work together to ensure this year is a positive and fulfilling one for all of our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Lauren Broadbent - Wellbeing Leader
Teaching and Learning:

School Assemblies: Our assemblies happen each Friday afternoon starting at 2:45pm in the school hall. Students are dismissed from the hall on this day. We invite all our community to come along.
Week 3: Mixed Classes - Superpowers and Badge Presentation
Week 4: Senior R
Week 5: No Assembly- Swimming Sports
Week 6: Middle B
Week 7: Junior C
Week 8: Junior B
Week 9: Senior M
Week 10: Year 6 - Stations of the Cross
Professional Development: At St Patrick’s Primary School we are committed to Professional Development of our team. At various times staff members will be working off site or online which may result in classroom teachers being out of the classroom.
Term 1 Week 3- NIL
Students of the Week:
Please note Certificates will be given out at next weeks Assembly 14.02.25
Ethel Abin - For trying your best in all learning areas and showing a growth mindset.
Leah Ranjay - For always being ready to learn by showing your whole body listening.
Billie Carlsen - For being such a happy and self-motivated learner who has started Year 1 beautifully. Congratulations Billie!
Flynn Gladman - For your wonderful start to Year 1. Thank you for being such a friendly, hardworking and happy student Flynn. Well done!
Oliver Prockter - For your hard work in Maths while identifying tens and ones in two-digit numbers. I am so proud of your positive start to Grade 2 Ollie!
Mia Ampt - For demonstrating wonderful understanding of our Learner Superpowers this week. You have been using these all week long. Well done Mia!
Delilah Terwisscha - For the excellent start you have had to the year. Keep up the wonderful efforts Delilah.
Lucas Papadopoulos - For the enthusiasm and efforts you put into your Auslan lessons this week. Well Done Lucas.
Isaac O'Callaghan - For the excellent start you have had to the year. Keep it up!
Arli Werry - For you excellent effort in all learning areas since the start of the year! Well done!
Allira Lovett - For being a wonderful addition to our class and school. Welcome to St. Patrick’s!
Luke Fulton - For the excellent start you have had to your final year at primary school. Your self-motivation and work ethic is wonderful. Keep it up!
Lachlan Mackley - For the amazing general knowledge you are bringing to classroom discussions.
Fletcher Thomas - For the fantastic start you have made to your Grade 5 year.
Living in Faith:

Each Friday till the end of Term 1 our MiniVinnies group will be selling Zooper Doopers for $1.00 each St Vincent de Paul Sponsor a student program. As always we thank our St Patrick’s community for your support.
Why do we at St Patrick’s raise money for the poor?
Catholic schools participate in the Church’s mission “to bring the Good News to the poor” (Luke 4:18). In partnership with parents, parishes and other agencies within the Church and the broader community, Catholic schools are called to give witness to a faith which does justice with love. All have a responsibility to read the signs of the times and to respond with love and compassion, ever seeking to protect human dignity and serve the common good. The Catholic Church teaches that the poor represent those who are marginalised in society. Jesus himself taught the importance of helping those who are poor and need help.
Do you know someone who is doing it tough?
Please ask them to come to The Cottage 20 Sloane St Stawell. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10:30am and 12:30pm. For out of hours emergencies ring 0408038949.
Mary Rita Thomas
Secretary Stawell Inter Church Council
Mary MacKillop Award:
Mary MacKillop lived a life dedicated to her faith and serving the needs of others. Wherever and however she could, Mary MacKillop did everything possible to improve the lives of others. This award acknowledges the thoughtful actions of the students at St Patrick’s to help others.
“We have much to be thankful for” Saint Mary MacKillop
Angeth Kur
For showing kindness to all your classmates and teachers.
Thank you for your Kindness.
Parents & Friends:
Welcome to another year of Parents & Friends. We are hitting the ground running with a busy Term 1, already brimming at the seams with fun and exciting events. As always, we will kindly ask for your support throughout the year. It is a rewarding role and helps build on friendships and support within the school community that beings us together.
Our first event is the Swimming Sports on Friday Feb 28. A lunch order form will come home in the coming days, with the opportunity for you to put your hand up and help us on the day also.
We are kindly asking for donations towards our raffle. These items don’t just need to be Easter eggs, we will gratefully accept any donation you are able to. Some examples are: vouchers, gift packs, kid’s activities, gardening etc.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Class Dojo for our other events later this term, Harmony Day and Cross Country.
I look forward to meeting many new faces this year and working alongside new and existing families.
Thank You,
Kate Field


Congratulations to these students who celebrated their birthday over the Holidays:
Lucas, Edie, Ace, Tamieka, Anthony, Harper, Lily S, Aynsley, Indiana, Charlie, Isla & Oscar
Diocesan/Parish news:

Mass Times:
Ararat Sunday 8.30am
Stawell Sunday 10.30am
Lake Bolac 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 6.30pm Vigil Sat
Landsborough 2nd, 4th Sundays 12.30pm
Glenthompson (Hamilton Parish) 2nd, 4th Sundays 8.30am

Please find below the link for the November 2024 edition of
“Our Diocesan Community”
This Magazine is a way to share the good news stories of our schools, parishes and agencies across the diocese.
Around Our Community:

Please follow us on instagram; stpatsstawell

Upcoming Events:

Our Vision and Mission:

Vision Statement: St Patrick's School is a community which reflects and celebrates Christ as its centre point: By honoring our story we value our whole community. By coming together our vision is for a loving, just, compassionate and tolerant world. Mission Statement: In the tradition of St Patrick, we are committed to: Promoting and celebrating a love of God, self and community. Recognizing and enhancing the talents and uniqueness of each person through our vision of Prayer, Care and Learning. PRAYER We nurture and grow our relationship with God as members of a faith community. CARE We foster recognition of difference, compassion for others and the strength to act on our beliefs. LEARNING We develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills essential to reaching our full potential as life- long learners.