Newsletter 159- December 13th 2024
Prayer of the Week:
This week marks the third Sunday of Advent and gives us the opportunity to prepare our hearts in faithful waiting, celebrate the birth of Jesus, and prepare ourselves for his second coming. As we get closer to Christmas this Sunday we light the third candle which is the Sunday of Joy. The third candle on our Advent wreath is pink to celebrate the joy of waiting!
God of the Dream, encourage and empower us to live and be God’s dream of hope, peace, joy and love for all people. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Principal's Report:
Dear St Patrick’s community,
A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Teachers and LSOs
This week has been a testament to the incredible dedication and commitment of the teachers and LSOs of St Patrick’s. From finalising assessments, preparing students for the graduation, concert, organising excursions, and holding parent meetings, they have truly gone the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Staff, I want to thank you for your hard work, care, and professionalism. I am so grateful for the way you continue to support our students and families. Thank you for your unwavering efforts and the many ways you make a difference in our school community.
Staffing 2025
It is with great excitement that I share the news that we have successfully recruited a teacher for our Year 3/4 position. Claire Joyce came to the attention of St Patrick’s through the work DOBCEL is doing to support schools during these challenging times of teacher shortages. DOBCEL has been instrumental in enabling sponsorship for certain visa categories, which has allowed us to welcome Claire to our team. Claire hails from Ireland but has been teaching in Sydney for the last couple of years. She is looking forward to being close to the Grampians and catching up with friends that live within travelling distance. We look forward to Claire bringing the Irish cheer to St Patrick’s. If anyone has a flat or unit becoming available for rent over the Christmas/January holidays, please get in touch via email so we can assist Claire in finding accommodation.
Final Assembly: Wednesday
Next Wednesday, we will gather at 2:40 pm as a school community for a special assembly to end the year but importantly to bid farewell to our two staff, Cheryl and Maryanne. This will be an opportunity to celebrate their contributions, express our gratitude, and wish them all the best in their next chapters. The assembly will be held in the Senior Hub. Parents and families are warmly invited to join us for this heartfelt occasion as we honor Cheryl and Maryanne’s lasting impact on our school.
Discontinuation of Cathy’s counselling services.
I regret to inform our school community that Cathy finished up with our school on Wednesday. Cathy has been invaluable to us and the students that she has spent time with throughout this year. We wish her all the best in her 2025 adventures. More information on replacement services is discussed in the wellbeing section of this newsletter.
DOBCEL strategy
Attached to this newsletter, you will find another letter from Tom and DOBCEL Board chairperson, Terry Harney regarding the DOBCEL Strategy 2035.
This letter introduces the new strategy that all DOBCEL schools will be working through over the next ten years.
I hope everyone has a lovely restful weekend as we get ready for these final few days to finish off the year.
Kind blessings,
From the Office:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
2025 School Fees have now been finalised and are attached for your information.
The School continues to endeavour to keep fee increases to a minimum whilst aligning with DOBCEL and CPI recommendations. We are pleased to be able to keep our 'Per Student' items unchanged in 2025, however our 'Per Family' and Camp costs have increased as follows;
- Capital and Tuition Levy increased by a total of $40 per family, from $1,320.00 to $1,360.00 in 2025.
- Camp fee increased from $350.00 to $375.00 per student (Grades 3-6) in 2025.
The School continues to seek cost saving opportunities for our families such as bulk purchasing of student devices through DOBCEL and subsidised sport and affordable camp and extracurricular activities, however these increases are reflective of increasing costs for providers and associated expenses.
We will communicate with families early in Term 1 regarding fee assistance available to eligible concession card holders, and as always, encourage anyone experiencing financial difficulty to reach out at any time for a confidential discussion around available support.
In the meantime, please take this opportunity to review your school fee account and payment arrangements with next years' fees in mind. Families with additional children commencing in 2025 are encouraged to consider increasing their payments now if possible, in order to minimise the instalments payable throughout next year. Anyone wishing to commence or amend a fortnightly direct debit payment plan is asked to please contact me in the office as soon as possible.
Thank you to all of our families for your ongoing support.
Anna Wadge
Business Manager
The Opening the Doors Foundation provides grants to families to assist with the extra costs incurred in the schooling of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary or secondary school students. The 2025 Grant Round is now open, with a closing date of 14 March 2025. For students to commence the 2025 school year with the necessary items, the ideal time to apply is now or before the start of Term 1.
Please note that due to a substantial increase in applications, the Foundation’s Trustees have had to modify the eligibility criteria. The updated criteria and guidelines are outlined on both the Opening the Doors Foundation website and the Opening the Doors Foundation Application.
To ensure we continue with providing access to mental health services within our school, we will begin what we hope to be a long-term relationship with One Red Tree Resource Centre in Ararat. The psychologist will spend 2 days per week at our school for a semester. During this time they will get to know the needs of the school staff, the students and the school community.
The principal, along with the school wellbeing team, will refer children for therapeutic intervention sessions with the provisional psychologist. Referrals cannot be made by families, although they can discuss possible referrals with their school principal.
The psychologist can support children and adolescents through many different areas of mental health. Some examples of possible programs include:
- Communicating with confidence
- Understanding moods
- Understanding and accepting myself
- Physical activity for wellbeing
- Problem-solving skills
- Mindfulness and relaxation
- Sleeping well.
Interventions also include an assessment, meetings with family, meetings with school staff, observations in classrooms and at recess times, and individual therapy sessions.
The Psychologist that has been assigned to St Patrick’s for the first half of 2025 is Gurmaan. Gurmaan has current experience working as a behaviour therapist and is also currently working as a teaching assistant engaging children with autism, ADHD and dyslexia. We are confident she will be a valuable support for your school. She will be working with us on Tuesdays/Wednesdays.
Teaching and Learning:
School Assemblies: Our assemblies happen each Friday afternoon starting at 2:45pm, Please note this weeks assembly will be held in the Senior Hub. Students are dismissed from the Senior Hub on this day. We invite all of our community to come along.
Week 10: Grade 5 Week 11: Farewell
Please note the change in Assembly host for week 10 due to Grade 6 Excursion and change of venue to the Senior Hub due to maintenance in the Hall. Students will be dismissed from the Senior Hub,
Grade 5:
Grade 5 Leadership Incursion
On Monday the 9th of December all the Grade 5 students went to the hall and had something called a leadership incursion to prepare us for our leadership roles for next year. Gill, a person from UPP (Unleashing Personal Potential) came from Melbourne.
We did teamwork activities such as tapping each other's knees and the amazing race. In the amazing race we were separated into teams and we had to complete a range of activities. We did some learning and it was a fun and exciting day. We give thanks to Waacks bakery for supplying lunch for us.
Today we will be sharing our leadership day at assembly.
Written by Mia and Maya
Students of the Week:
Rhylen Mullane - For always being a collaborative learner and sharing your thoughts and knowledge with our class. Thank you Rhylen.
Bobby Pickering - For your wonderful literacy assessment results. Well done Bobby.
Anthony Truong - For always striving to be the best learner you can. Well done Anthony on your constant dedication to your learning. You should be very proud of yourself.
Valeria Di Pietro - For the wonderful results you achieved on your assessments. You are dedicated to your learning and always use your Super Powers to tackle tasks. Keep up the hard work!
Chevy Haynes - For the wonderful results you achieved in your maths interview. I was very impressed with your counting skills. Well done on all your hard work!
Marley Carlsen - For working so diligently to complete your Stepping Stones book and ongoing practice book. It has been a pleasure to watch you work so diligently. Well done!
Bonnie Wickham - For working so diligently to complete your Stepping Stones book and ongoing practice book. It has been a pleasure to watch you work so diligently. Well done!
Ace Rowe - For working so hard on your reading and writing this year. It has been a delight to see how much you have improved. Keep it up next year Ace!
Georgia Campbell - For the wonderful progress you have made in Mini Lit and MacqLit this year. Congratulations Georgia! Keep practising your reading and writing.
Lexie Bailey - For your outstanding maths assessment results this semester. Your dedication to improving your skills and learning new concepts has been exemplary. Well done, Lexie.
Fletcher Jones - For your excellent cold write story. We are so proud of the progress you have made in writing. Well done, Fletcher!
Marianne Duxson - For the outstanding results you have achieved in your reading and maths this term. You have done an outstanding job this year and should be proud of your achievements. Well done!
Kora Allen - For the self-motivation and resilience you have demonstrated all year long in all learning areas. Keep up the hard work in Grade Five Kora!
Isaac O'Callaghan - For the wonderful results you have achieved in your Cars & Stars final review. Your hard work has paid off. Congratulations Isaac!
Henry Wadge - For having a wonderful year of growth, especially in Maths and for also be a kind and self-motivated student all year! Congratulations Henry!
Mackenzie Farrell - For an outstanding year as a learner, as a friendly person to be around and as an awesome class member! Well done Mackenzie
Lilah Beaumont - For consistently demonstrating the St. Patrick's learning superpowers each and every day in the classroom.
Jack Duxson - For your ability to take a lead and teach your peers during Auslan lessons this year. Well done Jack!
Living in Faith:
End of Year Mass:
Our end of year school Mass was held at St Patrick's parish church on Thursday morning. It was heartening to witness our school community come together to commemorate the past year and embrace the spirit of hope and renewal that the holiday season brings.
Sustainable Christmas
With only a few weeks till Christmas most have begun our preparations. In Pope Francis’ encyclical
Laudato Si’ published in 2015, Pope Francis invites us to choose a different lifestyle in a world where “the market tends to promote extreme consumerism in an effort to sell its products” (No. 203).
Pope Francis calls us to move towards “more sustainable lifestyles”. There are ways to live a sustainable Christmas in harmony with our common home.
Below are a few ideas to consider for a more sustainable Christmas:
- Have you heard about “plantable” cards? They can double as a card and a gift!
- Reuse old Christmas cards to create your own unique ones.
- Consider the packaging when purchasing gifts and food. Look for items with as little packaging and plastic as possible.
- Shop in local stores.
- Give a potted Christmas tree as a gift. The receiver can grow it and even plant it later on.
- Opt for fabric products that are certified to be eco-friendly and toxin-free.
- Buy toys or gifts that have the least amount of plastic, and do not use batteries.
- Use your creative talents to make a gift or vouchers for services you will provide.
- Offer an experience like concert tickets, a hot air balloon trip or a spa day.
Gift wrapping
Instead of paper, wrap gifts in reusable materials like fabric or recyclable ones like recycled wrapping paper or brown paper (especially for large packages), children’s artwork or newspaper.
- Make gift bags and tags made from old newspapers, cloth or other strong recycled material.
- Raffia, string or twine are eco-friendly replacements for colourful plastic ribbons.
- Reuse shipping materials when sending packages and avoid purchasing bubble wrap.
After Christmas
- Recycle as much as you can! Collectively, we can make a huge difference in the world we live in—let’s make it a joyous time for Mother Nature as well.
- Decide how to save your potted Christmas tree.
- Think about any unwanted presents. Return them, regift them, or give them to charity rather than letting them collect dust or tossing them into the trash. Remember that one person’s trash is another’s treasure!
Do you know someone who is doing it tough?
Please ask them to come to The Cottage 20 Sloane St Stawell. We are open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10:30am and 12:30pm. For out of hours emergencies ring 0408038949. If anyone needs help at Christmas, please come to the Cottage in November to put their name down. Christmas distribution will be on Tuesday 17th December.”
Mary Rita Thomas
Secretary Stawell Inter Church Council
Mary MacKillop Award:
Mary MacKillop lived a life dedicated to her faith and serving the needs of others. Wherever and however she could, Mary MacKillop did everything possible to improve the lives of others. This award acknowledges the thoughtful actions of the students at St Patrick’s to help others.
“We have much to be thankful for” Saint Mary MacKillop
Parents & Friends:
Wow, what a success our first St Pat’s disco was. We know the kids had a brilliant time, we saw it on their faces and heard the screams of excitement. Thank you to the parents for supporting our new idea and to our wonderful teachers who stayed behind to help celebrate.
We held a successful AGM on Monday night with all positions filled. I will continue on as President, with Emma Bourke staying on as Secretary and Libby O’Callaghan continuing the treasurer’s role for a 6th year. We are ably supported by our general committee of Hannah Molan, Melissa Sutherland, Erin Freeland, Marietta Rowe and Renee Baulch. If you’re still keen to join us, it’s not too late. We host a positive and nurturing environment and it’s a wonderful way to meet new people in our school community. In the New Year we will put out all our dates for 2025 and as always continue to ask for your support in helping fundraising for this wonderful school of ours.
Last night we drew our Christmas Raffle with a host of wonderful hamper prizes won. Thank you to the families who have donated goods and to the local business’ who generously gave us some gifts to include.
In closing we are happy to announce the school will receive about $9000 from the P&F this year to put towards new and exciting resources for the children.
On behalf of the committee we would like to wish all our families a wonderful and healthy Christmas and New Year.
Kate Field
Congratulations to these students who celebrate their birthday this week and into the holidays :
Georgia A, Khoor, Chelsea, Daniella, Mia A, Thea, Scott, Lenny & David
Diocesan/Parish news:
Mass Times:
Ararat Sunday 8.30am
Stawell Sunday 10.30am
Lake Bolac 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 6.30pm Vigil Sat
Landsborough 2nd, 4th Sundays 12.30pm
Glenthompson (Hamilton Parish) 2nd, 4th Sundays 8.30am
Please find below the link for the November 2024 edition of
“Our Diocesan Community”
This Magazine is a way to share the good news stories of our schools, parishes and agencies across the diocese.
Around Our Community:
Please follow us on instagram; stpatsstawell
Stawell Wildcats Basketball Association Inc
We are seeking expressions of interest from all age groups for a shorter season of the Stawell domestic basketball competition and Wildcubs development program, commencing in February 2025 and running for duration of the 1st term of school. Please fill out and submit the attached form by the 22nd of December so we can gauge interest. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Upcoming Events:
Our Vision and Mission:
Vision Statement: St Patrick's School is a community which reflects and celebrates Christ as its centre point: By honoring our story we value our whole community. By coming together our vision is for a loving, just, compassionate and tolerant world. Mission Statement: In the tradition of St Patrick, we are committed to: Promoting and celebrating a love of God, self and community. Recognizing and enhancing the talents and uniqueness of each person through our vision of Prayer, Care and Learning. PRAYER We nurture and grow our relationship with God as members of a faith community. CARE We foster recognition of difference, compassion for others and the strength to act on our beliefs. LEARNING We develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills essential to reaching our full potential as life- long learners.